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Here's a great choice for those possibly experiencing shoulder discomfort, soreness or tension.  Benefits:  Aids in overall body recovery. Helps to mobilize hips. Increases elasticity of muscle tissue, joints, and fascia — the body's connective tissue. Decreases tension in the low body. Encourages the flow of both blood and lymph. Our favorites:  Pre-workout when paired with dynamic movements. Post-workout recovery. KORE Bed Time Routine If you own our "best trio" mobility ball set, this "everything" ball can be substituted in place of the "get it done" white sponge ball. I encourage folks to play around with the different ball sizes in order to...

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mobility, recovery -

Here's a great choice for those possibly experiencing shoulder discomfort, soreness or tension.  Benefits:  Aids in overall body recovery. Helps to mobilize the scapula joint. Increases elasticity of muscle tissue, joints, and fascia — the body's connective tissue. Decreases neck and shoulder tension. Encourages the flow of both blood and lymph. Our favorites:  Pre-workout when paired with dynamic movements. Post-workout recovery. KORE Bed Time Routine I call it the "Get It Done" Ball 'cause it gets the job done. We hold so much tension in our neck and shoulders, we forget how good it feels to let all of that go....

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mobility, recovery -

If you're reading this you've more than likely purchased the best "foot" ball ever, or you're simply curious. Either way, keep scrolling and enjoy the vibe. If there's anything you do roll out in your body, I wholeheartedly believe it should be your feet. After all, for most of us, these dogs are on all day, every day with the exception of a foot injury, which then only encourages another piece of the body—or other foot—to overcompensate for the discrepancy.  In other words, there are no sick days for our feet!  Know this: The foot is a complex structure that consists of 26...

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